Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Reversing Disease Using Individual Signature Sounds by ,Sharry Edwards

Reversing Disease Using Individual Signature Sounds by ,Sharry Edwards

Your Vocal Print:

 "Your signature sound is an auto-acoustic emission, but we can analyze your signature sound 

using a microphone which is sensitive to it. We can look at your signature sound through your 

vocal print - your voice is a holograph of it. We can take a picture of it which we call a 

frequency vocal print and it can be made for anyone in about 45 seconds. Your vocal print 

shows us the source of your health problem and it tells us exactly what is going on in your 

body. And apart from those people who are in the professional world doing hypnotic therapy or 

radio or television, you pretty much show the world what is really you when you use your 

voice. Stressed notes in your voice may reveal structural, genetic, environmental, biochemical, 

nutritional and emotional distress. The missing frequencies are given using a Self-Management 

Auditory Device known as a SMAD, a low-frequency modulator based on my voice structure to 

enable your body to reverse disease and begin to heal itself."   

Sharry Edwards 
Full Article Viewed Here

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Are Made Up Of Sound

We Are Made Up Of Sound

"Consciousness determines our vibration (frequency and amplitude) When we realize that time and space are really ONE I think we then go beyond a simple understanding. This is what Einstein was talking about concerning frequency (time) and amplitude (energy)...and time traveling - and to me, this would mean being spiritually energized to walk in the 4th dimension freely. Physics states the 4th dimension exists (subsequently physicist say 10 dimensions exist that they have mathematically figured so far), we can thus apply it to other spiritual areas as in various mysticism practices. 

When our energy-amplitude is raised higher it is synonymous with our frequency (time) getting higher. When our frequency raises the distance between the waves are closer, therefore shortening time considerably. So Time is the distance between two points. What your amplitude-energy is determines how efficient you travel that time line. 


There are known quantitative frequencies that have been measured that illustrate the body and energy connections with comparative measurements to the world around us: 


^ = means to the power of 10^-8, 10 the minus 8 power 
Gamma Rays 10^18 to 10^26hz 
X rays 10^16 to 10^20hz 
Ultraviolet Light (UV) 10^15 to 10^17hz 
Visible Light 10^4.7 to 10^15hz 
Infrared Rays 10^11 to 10^4.7hz 
Radar Waves 10^9.5 to 10^11.5hz 
Microwaves 10^8 to 10^9.5hz 
Television Waves 10^6 to 10^8hz 
Radio Waves 10^1to 10^6.5hz 
Elf Waves 10^1hz 

Earths Ionosphere Cavity Resonance - Schuman Field ranges from 1 Hz to 30 Hz - Radiation Spectrum 

Audio20 20,000 Hz 
Ultrasonic 20,000 Hz - 100-kHz - 10 MHz 
Radiofrequency 150KHz-1.5 MHz 
High Radio Frequency RF 1.5MHz-40 MHz 
Very High Radio Frequency VHF 40MHz-100MHz 
Ultrahigh Radio Frequency UH over 100MHz 


Alpha 8-13 cycles/sec - relaxed alert 
Beta 14-30 -intense mental concentration, agitation 
Theta 4-7 Hypnogogic 
Delta 5-3.5 Sleeping 

Human Tolerances to sinusodal vibration 

Head Pain 13-30Hz 
Impaired Speech 13-20Hz 
Jaw Pain 6-8Hz 
Chest Pain 5-7Hz 
Abdominal Pain 4.5 - 10 Hz 
Human Body Cell 1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz 
Upper Limit of Human Hearing 15,000 Hz 

Molds, viruses, bacteria, worms, mites range from 77 KHz to 900KHz 

Warts 400-430Kz 
Tapeworms 420-450Khz 
Mites 640KHz - 850KHz 
Ant 1000 to 1200KHz 
Goldfish 900 to 1500Khz 
Chameleon 1000 to 6000KHz 
Cat 1500 to 8000Khz "
from StarStuffs
To read the full article by StarStuffs

Radiation Rescue Class April 2012.wmv

Download Free Software To Test For Radiation Exposure

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Can you save the world?

One day the realization hit me that the very Planet we are dependent upon, the one that supports life, had been hijacked by something that does not appear to have the best interests of the human race in mind. Big Business, now seemingly out of  humans ability to stop. This Juggernaut that has now become an Entity of its own right. This self preserving Entity  putting profits before humanity is especially troubling in the situation of the Medicinal Industry. The established protocols of treatment do not welcome changes that would affect profits. Therefore, many new discoveries are not made public. This has left the health of man to be in such a state of decline that without swift intervention the whole human race is now in danger of never reaching its potential.     
We are very late in the game made  evident by the epidemic Cancer rates, Autism skyrocketing,
Can the work of Sharry Edwards pioneer of Human BioAcoustics be an answer?
This remarkable visionary with extraordinary talents has graciously offered what looks to be a remedy. This new science offers much hope for finding cures and restoring health to the people.
Ms. Edwards contends that everything has a particular frequency and by matching the  frequency of substances enzymes, pathogens, viruses, biochemicals, vitamins, ... that a an balancing frequency can be given to counter act the imbalance caused by these invaders.
That state of health can be measured  by the the human voice because the paraharigarivcal sympathetic bundle of nerves are routed through the voice box. By taking a simple voice print and running it through computer software that anyone can look at their own health issues, eliminating the need for invasive expensive
medical tests.
Sharry Edwards founder of The Human BioAciustic Research Institute in Albany, Ohio has had remarkable success with such areas as Nerve Regeneration,  Parkinson disease, Macular Degeneration, just to name a few. She is well received for her work by the Medical Community. Has received Scientist of the year award, been mentioned in numerous books, and Dukes Medical has listed her work as an Alternative Medicine.  AT&T called her work the Medicine of the future.
This is extremely promising, To find out more on Human BioAcoustics go to Sharry Edwards website http://www.soundhealthoptions.com