Reversing Disease Using Individual Signature Sounds by ,Sharry Edwards
Your Vocal Print:
"Your signature sound is an auto-acoustic emission, but we can analyze your signature sound
using a microphone which is sensitive to it. We can look at your signature sound through your
vocal print - your voice is a holograph of it. We can take a picture of it which we call a
frequency vocal print and it can be made for anyone in about 45 seconds. Your vocal print
shows us the source of your health problem and it tells us exactly what is going on in your
body. And apart from those people who are in the professional world doing hypnotic therapy or
radio or television, you pretty much show the world what is really you when you use your
voice. Stressed notes in your voice may reveal structural, genetic, environmental, biochemical,
nutritional and emotional distress. The missing frequencies are given using a Self-Management
Auditory Device known as a SMAD, a low-frequency modulator based on my voice structure to
enable your body to reverse disease and begin to heal itself."
Sharry Edwards
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